Evidentia Update

There is a recent update to Evidentia that is awesome. After our Wacky Wednesday with the developer, he made some awesome changes. Rather than talking about it, let me show you.

I have ready determined that the two lines are Inconclusive. Meaning, I need to do more research.

To me, the Yellow Check Mark tells me that I have have some data, and that I have drafted by conclusion, really my Current Thinking on the relationships so far.


Further down the page I see the Summary of Findings, or Current Thinking, and that there are proofs there, but need to be reviewed. More work to do. Each event has my current thinking. I chose to precede my current thinking with the date.


Running the Proof Summary, I have completed my proof summary, but it is inclusive.


Now I need to do some work and prove some of these. But, I have a visual indicate on where I stand and the written details.

3 Responses to Evidentia Update

  1. Ed Thompson says:

    Russ, you will also find if a proof disproves a relationship, a red X will be presented at the broken link instead of a check mark. So I am NOT related to Mark Hamill, and my Cousin Track shows it 😉

    • Russ Worthington says:


      In my database, I haven’t disproven any YET, but just wanted to share the changes you made that makes Cousin Tracker a better tool for me. Hope others will as well.

      Thank you,


  2. […] Evidentia Update by Russ Worthington on a Worthington Weblog […]

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