Inferential Genealogy Study Group in 2nd Life–Map Follow up

In an earlier post on the use of a Map.

Inferential Genealogy Study Group in 2nd Life–Map

I showed the relationship of where folks lived. I ran into another problem where the Street Name was not clear. I knew the house number, had seen it before in an earlier census record. In looking at the previous record, I really could read it either. It looked like East 26th Street.

One think that I have learned, is to look at the neighbors. In this case, that wouldn’t really help, but the notion to go back to look at how the previous and next pages recorded the street names. I had North Calvert Street and Guilford Streets. The house numbering on Guilford Street were from 2532 – 2502 (Even Numbers), then to my street, which I thought was East 26th Street, 202 – 206, then Calvert Street, 2501 – 2503 etc. So, the Census taker started at what appeared to be the 27th Street end of Guilford Street, came toward 26th street, followed 26th street and headed back to 27th street on the odd side of the street. This was from the 1910 Census.

From the previous map and the fact I had been keeping track of House Numbers of Family Numbers and recording the Street Names (when available), it appeared that these street names hadn’t changed much over time.

So, I did a Google Search for 202 East 26th Street, Baltimore, Maryland. Not only did I see a Google Street View (current view), but the map, sure enough, confirmed the theory. So, I now know the street name that I couldn’t read on the Census Record.


Clearly this is current street information and I am sure the buildings are different, perhaps, but I was able to determine the street name by checking the Preceding and Following Census Pages and checking the house numbers.

The next time I go to Baltimore, I will take all of the street names and addresses with me and take some pictures of the houses. The quick drive through recently, showed me where the houses were, but only took one picture. Will have to add the pictures to my database.

Lesson Learned: Look at the neighbors and map

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