Genealogy Connections

Within minutes, after my last post here, I made two ‘cousin’ connections.

I usually have Twitter and Facebook running on my laptop computer while working on my Desktop computer.

I saw a Blog post, looked at it, and my grandparents names and their family was used an example on a How To Do type of Genealogy website.

I couldn’t post directly to the Twitter(er) because the person wasn’t following me. So, I posted a message on the Blog.

That blog post, was posted within minutes of mine and within minutes we were connected.

Within minutes of that, another Twitter went by and it caught my eye. I do read that Blog all of the time. While reading it, I looked at the bottom of the blog which listed a some “other” surnames being researched.

So, within 10 minutes, Based on Twitter, Facebook, and Blogging, I made 2 new Worthington / Cheyney connections.

Happy Dances all around.

Emails are flying all around. I even have homework for my next trip to Chester County, PA to take photos.

If anyone wants to know “Why Facebook”, “Why Twitter”, “Why Blog” …. This is an example.

It all started because of an Answered Phone Call.

2 Responses to Genealogy Connections

  1. Bill West says:

    Fantastic, Russ! I’ve made similar connections through
    Facebook and my blog.They have really become boons to genealogists!

  2. Unbelievable and congratulations on your new connections! And my kids tell me I’m using fb all wrong….shows what they know!

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