Finally Get Organized–Part 3, Scheduling

The calendar has rolled over to March. Yeah about a week ago, but …

This whole calendar thing might have gotten me off track for getting Organized. All of the Letters, All of those Photographs, so little time. Did I mention that I now have 4 large envelops of letters from my Cousin?

But looking at the next couple of months, my usual calendar for out side the home activities is pretty much under control. But, there is that word again, the person leading this FINALLY Get Organized, DearMYRTLE and I are jointly giving four presentations in Fairfax, Virginia the first weekend in April and I have one of them to do. Not a new presentation, but one that I had “retired” due to the subject at hand and some other events in the community that I hang out it.


The topic that Myrt and I thought I could present was a talk on “Information Overload”, well hope appropriate is that.

A couple of comments I have seen as this series of blog posts have made their rounds folks want me to follow those BOS’s (Bright Shiny Objects). Since Information Overload is about several thousand Shaky Leaf Hints, talk about BSO’s, I wonder IF there is time to GET ORGANIZED.

Stay tuned as I go through my Genealogy Tool Box to see if there IS a way to do “all of the above” and to get organized while doing that.

I’m thinking about getting back to those 5 generations item on the FINALLY Get Organized Check List has a role in THIS Information Overload.

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